Sacred Metamorphoses

Devotion to healing ourselves so that our lives are filled with Compassion, Love, Radical Acceptance, Peace, Nonviolence, the Magic of the Metaphysical, and an awareness of ethereal planes

Moving from Justice to Mercy

Practices for mystics, creatives, light and soul workers, artists, healers, activists, wayshowers, health care providers, psychics, transpersonal and quantum enthusiasts, and others, sharing our visions and deepening our awareness of the Sacred, remembering and witnessing.

Moving through fear and grief, we believe that all beings can participate in transformation and become more compassionate, peaceful spaces and places, supporting each other and the planet while we live as humans, living close to violence, chaos, and destruction outside of us. We become stable and bright lights of Spirit amidst this human world.

Discovering Freedom through Sacred Metamorphoses

”What in your life is calling you, when all the noise is silenced, the meetings adjourned… the lists laid aside, and the wild iris blooms by itself in the dark forest… what still pulls on your soul?​”

 ~ Rumi

We hope to weave together our intentions to create safe spaces for healing, while respecting all beings, the planet, the universe, and the cosmos. We are being re-born to create new methods for handling conflict and stress within ourselves and with others, and to develop better ways to improve health and well-being for all.